News: Solutions by Activity

The lawyer in the current scenario: POST PANDEMIC - GEOPOLITICAL AND ENERGY CRISIS Change of perspective: THE LAWYER 2.0 or The Entrepreneur Lawyer: a sustainable stakeholder

25 Sep 2023 | Lawyer 2.0

In the current economic and social context, the legal profession can no longer be practiced as it used to be but must necessarily adapt and conform to new principles. The post-pandemic crisis caused by COVID – 19 and the current scenario of geopolitical and energy crisis do not allow legal procedures to be managed as one would […]

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Notes on the sentence of the Court of Cagliari Section. Specialized ,in business matters of January 2022. ,The Board of Auditors, the administrative body and credit management ,in the “forward – looking” scenario

5 Jul 2023 | Uncategorized

Sentence of the Court of Cagliari Section. Specialized Company, credit management, forward – looking, UNI PDR Practice 44:2018, board of auditors and appeal pursuant to art. 2409 cod. civ., business crisis, adequacy of structures pursuant to art. 2086 II co. cod. civ.

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21 Jun 2022 | Uncategorized

POST PANDEMIC AND GEOPOLITICAL CRISIS: THE OPPORTUNITY OF AN AUDIT FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE CREDIT PROCESS When faced with a loss, have you ever wondered if it was avoidable? You realized in time or rather too late that the debtor was not solvent? You have been busy or worried about reviewing the custody process […]

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27 Dec 2021 | events

The Web Conference addressed to all the members of the Center was held on 10 December 2021- South. The digital meeting made it possible to deepen the aspects useful for the profession and to agree on the training aspects for the year 2022. A brief excerpt from the intervention of the lawyer Filippo Lipiani: Effective legal action.

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