When faced with an outstanding debt, have you ever wondered if it was avoidable?

You realized in time or rather too late that the debtor was not solvent?

You have been busy or worried about reviewing your credit granting processes, periodically?

We intend to provide answers and optimal solutions to these and other critical issues in credit management with a view to improving the credit process that is always possible and above all desirable.


Starting from the statistical data, according to which over 70% of default of companies, derives from an imprudent and unprofessional management of the outstanding payments of its customer portfolio and from the objective circumstance that a significant amount of outstanding payments undisputably and negatively reverberates on the company's ability to generate and increase its own cash flow, the need arises, in a market where the "Credit factor" it also constitutes an instrument of competitiveness, to have a correct credit process which is an important factor, indeed essential, to ensure business continuity and thus avoid unpleasant surprises.

In other words, Prevention is better than cure.

The foregoing is so important that the New Code of Business Crisis and Insolvency provides for and governs the alert procedures in the awareness that the possibility of safeguarding the values ​​of a company in difficulty (c.d. “viable but distressed”) are directly proportional to the timeliness of the remedial intervention. Against, the delay in perceiving the signs of crisis means that, in most cases, degenerate into genuine irreversible insolvency.

When the company relies on a provider, internal or external, for the management of the activity (judicial and extrajudicial) of its credit recoveries, then we have to ask ourselves if something went wrong in the context of the prevention and management of risks inherent in trade credit.

In other words, it is necessary to verify whether the management of one's trade credit took place in a professional manner or not, i.e. whether it is neglected or instead careful and diligent., in the knowledge that, always, the management of this business aspect can always be improved.

Having made these premises it becomes fundamental, for an economic entity, check your own performances, through the audit activity that SPA s.r.l. offer, this in order, to provide an effective and reliable tool to support the organization or the client company that, in such a way, will be able to act by improving its performance, its cash flow as part of a more careful and diligent credit process e, in a word, more professional.

The audit consists of the systematic verification and analysis of credit management processes and aims to make them high-performance with a view to continuous improvement in accordance with the UNI / PdR / 44 practice.

UNI / PdR practice 44:2018 is a document published by UNI (Italian Standardization Body), a fine 2018, with the purpose to prevent and manage the risks inherent in trade credit, certifying its processes in such a way that they are recognized and validated by an impartial third party that guarantees their compliance.

The ultimate goal is to give clarity to the credit management process for all stakeholders interested companies.


Ultimately, competition between companies is exercised not only at the time of sale and therefore in the management of their own core business, but also at the time of debt collection.

It is important to carefully monitor existing credit customers and ensure payment within the established time frame by having one Credit Policy, resorting in cases where it was then necessary to carry out the judicial recovery of its outstanding debts.

La S.P.A. s.r.l. collaborates with professionals who are able to support companies for optimal management of their trade receivables.

The consultancy is carried out at 360 degrees and therefore the customer has the possibility, with a single interlocutor, to acquire the procedures to manage in an optimal way, its own commercial credit process from its birth or from its "physiological" phase up to that, eventual, "Pathological" relating to forced recovery carried out through affiliated law firms.

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