13 Oct 2021 - VAT recoveries

The Sostegni bis decree passed by the Government, provides for the possibility of proceeding with the recovery of VAT by means of a decrease for non-payment of all or part of the consideration starting from the date on which the transferee or client is subject to insolvency proceedings (Dl 73/21 article 18, amending article 26 paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree 633/72).

The Italian legislator has adapted to Directive 2006/112 (article 90), che stabilisce quale regola l’obbligo di ridurre la base imponibile del cedente o prestatore in quanto la base imponibile è costituita dal corrispettivo realmente percepito.

Resta sempre possibile emettere la nota di accredito a seguito di procedure esecutive individuali risultate infruttuose.

The legislator has always limited the relevance of non-payment to the sole hypothesis of "insolvency proceedings or executive procedures that have remained unsuccessful" because only in such circumstances there is a reasonable certainty of the debtor's assets insufficient, assuming constitutive importance, la circostanza che il creditore abbia esperito tutte le azioni volte al recupero del proprio credito.

Il decreto-legge Sostegni bis, in reformulating the text of article 26 of Presidential Decree 633/72, it confirmed the system established by law 208/15 in force since 2016, giving the supplier the possibility to deduct the tax corresponding to the decrease (in the electronic document the code is TD8) due to individual enforcement procedures that remained unsuccessful.

Le esecuzioni individuali infruttuose

L’espropriazione forzata, inizia con il pignoramento; la notifica del titolo esecutivo (ad. es. decreto ingiuntivo, sentenza) e del precetto costituiscono degli atti prodromici.

Il diritto alla variazione è subordinato all’avvenuto accertamento dell’infruttuosità della procedura, a moment that normally comes into existence when the credit of the transferor or lender is not satisfied through the distribution of the sums obtained from the sale of the assets of the executor.

The individual enforcement procedure must in any case be considered unsuccessful in the event of:

  • seizure from third parties, when third parties make a negative statement;
  • attachment of movable property, when the attachment report shows the lack of assets to be seized or the impossibility of accessing the debtor's domicile or its unavailability;
  • when after three auctions for the sale of the foreclosed property you go deserted, it was decided to interrupt the enforcement procedure due to excessive burdens.

The right to decrease the tax to recover one's credit, the exercise of which is optional (Cassation n. 5403/2017), it therefore presupposes that an enforcement procedure has been initiated, then ended unsuccessfully.

The rationale of the rule, ultimately, sta nella necessità che l’infruttuosità della procedura sia appurata da un organo terzo (bailiff and / or execution judge) e non rimessa all’arbitrio del creditore pignorante; in ogni caso il presupposto per l’emissione della nota di variazione in diminuzione si deve valutare secondo le circostanze del caso concreto, taking into account the Community principle of proportionality and the diligence criterion, nel cui ambito rientrerebbero anche quelle ipotesi in cui la procedura esecutiva sia connotata dalla antieconomicità.


Ultimately, as a result of the novelty introduced by the Support-bis Decree, it will be possible to recover VAT on receivables from customers in insolvency proceedings (these are procedures open since 26.05.2021), already at the opening of the procedure.

The possibility of recoveryit does not therefore only concern bankruptcy procedures properly so-called (failure, arrangement and compulsory administrative liquidation) but it also extends to the case of subjection of the transferee / client to the procedure ofextraordinary administration of large companies in crisis.

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